Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Create GWT Project with Spring Roo and Mongo DB using STS – Part 1

I started to work on private project where I used Spring Roo to create the GWT Project. The project also should use the Mongo DB. As IDE I use the Spring Tool Suite (STS). So here as usual my cookbook style tutorial.

First of all you have to create Spring Roo Project. As I mention I used STS so everything is integrated inside. another possibility could be to create the project just directly using Spring Roo in command line mode.  


Select to create Spring Roo project, new Roo Project creation Window opens, as shown bellow:


In the next screen type the name of the project and then the namespace. Also from the build-in provider I select as packaging method WAR. You can change this later if you which.


Next screen is not really something special, as shown above, just click on Finish to proceed with the project creation.


After you clicked on Finish button the STS creates the project for you and opens the Roo Shell automatically.

Here I am experience sometimes problems which I cannot reproduce but for some reason the tool does not create the project well and shows error messages. Basically the problem is that it does not create the Resources folder. In this case I just delete the project and create it again.

This is the first part of my tutorial and the simplest one. In the next part I will show you how to setup the Mongo DB and the entities and then how to setup the project as GWT one.

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